DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: Industry Pros: Chat with a Talent Agent & a Casting Director
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD (MP4) of Live Webinar Broadcast. (1 hour)
(Clearance Price $25)
This webinar brings together 2 key connections for your acting career, a working Casting Director & a Talent Agent. Find out how they both play different roles in your career, as well as how they both work together. Discover what things they both look for in prospective talent, as well as how to make submissions and be seen by each one.
SPECIAL GUEST - Lisa Fuller, from Actor's Choice Talent Agency outside of New Orleans, LA. Louisiana is the new "Hollywood South". Some of her success stories include bookings on projects such as Pitch Perfect 1 & 2, Terminator Genisys (Arnold Schwarzenegger), Black or White (Kevin Costner), Popeye's, Shout, Geostorm (Gerard Butler), Never go Back (Tom Cruise) and many more.
CASTING DIRECTOR: Katrina Cook - Owner of Katz Kasting www.katzkasting.com Don't have an agent? Find out how having a Talent Agent can help you! Ready to book speaking roles? Find out how a Casting Director can help you! 1 hour webinar session with an open Q&A at the end.

DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: Series 1: Intro to Acting (3 Sessions)
Webinar Series 1: Intro to Acting (3 Sessions) $200 (3 sessions) (New Actor Special $100)
Covering the basics about getting started as a Film/TV actor. Including: first steps, finding work, headshots & resumes, creating and updating casting profiles, which sites we use, reading casting notices, making submissions, being an extra, being on set, what to wear, what to do, where to go, how to be professional, on set etiquette, terminology, getting paid, getting bumped up.. & more!
This webinar series will provide you with 2 resume credits under "Training" (Acting Basics & On Set Etiquette)
Series 1 comes with (3) 1 hour sessions available either ONLINE streaming or as a MP4 DIGITAL DOWNLOAD. (Your choice). Recorded Live from our Webinar series. Ready to watch/listen at your convenience!
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Your Digital Download will be sent by email within 48 hours.
If you do not receive your Digital file within 48 hours, check your spam folder. If you don't find it, send a follow up email using this same contact form or a new email to katrina@katzkasting.com and put "Digital Download" in the subject.

DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: Acting in Faith Based Films
Katrina Cook has cast both speaking roles & extras in many faith based films over the past 14 years. Whether it's an indie film company, church, or ministry organization, these projects are inspiring with christian tones and content. This is a niche market that many actors desire to be a part. This webinar talks about companies/ministries that I am currently working for, how casting is different, things I need to know (but can't ask), things I look for before scheduling you for an audition, Do's and Dont's, Cover letters, and other ways that you can set yourself apart in both the original submission as well as the audition. It's important that you know how to connect on a personal level while still remaining professional. If you have an interest in these types of projects, this webinar is for you.
This webinar series "ACTING in Faith Based Films" comes with (1) 1 hour sessions available either ONLINE streaming (private YouTube link) or as a MP4 DIGITAL DOWNLOAD. (Your choice). Recorded Live from our Webinar series. Ready to watch/listen at your convenience!
Select the Paypal button with the name of your Download you are purchasing.
Pay for the digital download via paypal/debit/credit card
Once payment is made, use the contact form to send your info
If you used a different paypal email, make sure you put that in the "message" area.
Your Digital Download will be sent by email within 48 hours.
If you do not receive your Digital file within 48 hours, check your spam folder. If you don't find it, send a follow up email using this same contact form or a new email to katrina@katzkasting.com and put "Digital Download" in the subject.