Professional, private & personal critiques offered by Casting Director, Katrina Cook, owner of Katz Kasting.
You have a headshot that you may or may not like. You go to acting classes. You go to every workshop you can find. You are on every casting site. You submit and submit and submit. You are frustrated and confused as to why you are not getting auditions for roles that you "know" you fit! WHY???
Did you know that it COULD BE YOUR HEADSHOT that's stopping your progression on this acting journey?
Another one of the most popular questions I am asked about is feedback on HEADSHOTS. Which one to use - if the one they are using is good - if they should change - etc.
Keep in mind that I literally view thousands of headshots every show that I must sort through and decide who I will request an audition from. I view your headshot on the same page with 100 other actors who are submitting for the same role. Therefore, probably 50 of those look just like you. How can you entice me (or any other casting professional) to select YOU?
Now is your opportunity to get that HEADSHOT feedback!
This is for those that
#1 Think they might need a new headshot
#2 Submit to lots of "perfect" roles but rarely get an audition
#3 Need help selecting a headshot
#4 Are not sure if their headshot is "working"
#5 Know they need a professional headshot
This combined critique/consultation is designed to HELP YOU get the most out of your HEADSHOT and make sure that it is working for you!
Your headshot is the KEY that opens the casting door! Make sure you have the right one!
This is a 2-part Critique!
1. You will schedule a 1 hour Critique Consultation
2. You will send me your headshot (or photo that you are currently using to market yourself), along with any additional photos/portfolios/options that would be available for you to use at least 2 days before our scheduled time.
3. We will meet online at the scheduled time to discuss my thoughts on your Headshot, MY Headshot recommendation, and suggestions on how to ensure your headshot is working for you. You may ask any questions relating to HEADSHOTS at this time.
HEADSHOT CRITIQUE DISCLAIMER -I am not a photographer. I can refer you to someone if needed, but do not provide those services at KatzKasting. This critique may recommend you to get new headshots to maximize your future opportunities.
ZOOM ONLINE CHATS. Will receive a link to click at your designated consultation time. Must have internet connection, microphone & video capabilities. If you prefer a phone call, that works too!
Headshot Critique Consultation
1 hour private critique consultation with Casting Director Katrina Cook by video chat.