CASTING NOTICE: 22 Local hire Roles [TEXAS]
Please note: This is an EARLY RELEASE for those in the Katz Kasting Database ONLY.
DO NOT post this casting notice ANYWHERE, you may only share this blog post! This will be released to Agents/Managers via Breakdowns in May. Agents: Please WAIT for this release! This early release is only for those who wish to self-submit via the database.
Phone call submissions are not accepted, or returned.
Read this entire notice prior to submitting.
Project Name; Justifying Able Production Company: Reel Way Productions Producer/Director: Mary Beth McDaniel Casting Director: Katrina Cook Katz Kasting
Project Type: Feature Film / Drama Union Status: SAG ULB
PAY: $125 per day. (SAG Scale)
LOCAL DALLAS TEXAS HIRE ONLY. No expenses are paid! TRAVEL: Not provided. HOTEL: Not provided.
Days Needed: TBA Film Dates: Fall 2016 (18 day shoot) Shoot Location: Dallas, TX (area)
Union & Non-Union Actors may apply.
Video Auditions for first round of Casting. Callbacks in Dallas,TX in late May/June.
DEADLINE FOR VIDEO AUDITIONS: Within 1 week of being requested. (We will send you a video request notice if you are selected to move forward in the casting process)
NOTE: This is an early release. These roles could change or be removed entirely within the next few weeks, based on script revisions.
MS. HARPER - Family lawyer. Female, 45. African american. Powerful & undisputed demeanor. Defends Able in a child custody case.Professional look. Manicured. No tattoos or piercings.
CLAY (age 3) - male, african american, 3 yrs old, (big role for a child this age! several lines and scenes), will consider age 5 to play 3. needs to be able to speak clearly and memorize dialogue.
YOUNG ABLE - female, 10 (prefer older to play 9/10), African american, hispanic, or caucasian. (Must match with the cast ABLE) Dark & gritty role. Vibrant, beautiful, pure, but gets Abused & Molested by her older brother. Intense scenes with screaming & crying. Says a curse word. Parent must be okay with child being around adult content and themes. Content not appropriate for younger than listed age. Must be comfortable around the water and fish. Must know how to swim for safety purposes, but will not be swimming in scene. Goes fishing with her dad. Holds a fish in her hands.
YOUNG GABE - male, 13, (prefer older to play 13) african american, dark role. Must match older cast Gabe. Sexually abuses his younger sister. Insinuated scenes. He is bad news, innocence is long gone. Content not appropriate for younger than 13. Goes fishing with his dad. Must be comfortable around the water and fish. Must know how to swim for safety purposes, but will not be swimming in scene. Reels in a fish and holds it in his hands.
GLENDA- Female, 50, any ethnicity. She seems unapproachable, but a sweet SOUTHERN BELLE at heart. Counselor. Runs the battered woman’s shelter.
FAT MAN - Able’s customer.. Male, Large, overweight, seedy guy in his 40’s-50’s. Any ethnicity. An estranged loan shark from the Chicago urban neighborhood who spends time with prostitutes on a regular basis. Insinuated sex scene. Loans her out to another man.
ARMY RECRUITER - Male, 40s, middle aged, clean cut soldier. No visible piercings. Any ethnicity. Candid, almost scary, spirit about him. Has a strong and dominant voice, with generosity that is comforting.
KAREN JOY - Nurse, mid 30s, shifty woman. Any ethnicity. No unnatural hair colors or tattoos or visible piercings. 8 lines, 2 scenes.
STAFF SERGEANT RUSSEL- Male, 22-30, any ethnicity. Clean cut, clean shaven. No visible piercings. Athletic, in shape, slender, Army Soldier. Tall (over 5'11), handsome a Real gentlemen and Able’s Platoon Sergeant. 5 lines
DARLENE CHASE- Female, 34, African American, SCRUFFY, TALL, COCKY. JUST A LITTLE BIT TALLER THEN ABLE. HER HAIRSTYLE IS A SILK WIG, DRESSED IN A LONG FLANNEL ROBE, SMOKING A CIGARETTE. She looks like a night walker. Was Able’s best friend before she got cleaned up. Ages down 3 years for flashback scenes.
DARRELL - Male, 22-27 years. African American. Flashback scenes, Able’s ex-boyfriend. Abusive. Medium built, Ripped, handsome. Looks like he just got out of prison. Violent scenes. Tattoos are good. Lives with Darlene now.
JUDGE - Male or FEMALE, 40s-60s. Clean cut. Professional look. Stern. No games. Follows the law. (1 scene)
LAWYER #1 - Gloria’s mom’s lawyer. Male, 50-60s. Any ethnicity. Professional.
Trina- (40) SKINNY and FRAIL LITTLE WOMAN - abused by her husband. Staying in the battered womans shelter. Hopeless.
RECEPTIONIST - at a law office. (Under 5 lines). Early 20’s-30s. Professional look. Manicured. Styled hair. No unnatural hair colors, No tattoos or visible piercings.
WAITER - at the private beach dinner, Male, mid 20s-30s. Clean cut. Works in a fancy restaurant. Any ethnicity.
MAILMAN - 2 lines. Male, 50s, any ethnicity.
WAITRESS - 1 line. Early 20's. At a diner.
YOUNG GIRL - 19-25, african american, must be legal 18 due to role content. Baby face. Looks much younger(illegal). 1 line. Caught in a compromising position with Gabe. Curses. Scared of Able when she comes bursting through the door.
NURSE - 2 LINES. Female. 30s. Any ethnicity.
POLICE OFFICER #1 - 1 line. Uniformed police officer. Male, 30-40s. Clean cut.
BAILIFF - Uniformed. Male, 40-60s. Clean cut. Stern.
AUDITIONS BY VIDEO ONLY. Professional or self-tape videos accepted.
To submit:
1. Go to 2. Click LOGIN or New Talent 3. Click EVENTS 4. Locate the Event "SUBMISSIONS: Justifying Able (Local Hires) " and READ THE CURRENT CASTING INFO. 5. FIND THE ROLE(S) that you wish to be considered & then click CONFIRM under EACH ROLE.
This is NOT a booking. CONFIRM means that you wish to do a video audition for the specified role.
You will ONLY be considered for the role(s) that you CONFIRM Availability.
If you are selected to move forward in the Casting process you will receive a specific Audition invite that will include the Sides/Scenes for the Video Audition, along with detailed instructions.
You must upload the Video Audition to the Audition Invite (details sent to those who are selected).
If you are not selected to move forward, you will not receive an audition invite. Do not follow up, email me, or call me.
If you are already in the Katz Kasting Database...
Once you login, you will ONLY see this event as available, if you have been pre-selected based on the age range and location info that you put in your profile. (Each role has a pre-selected age range, and ONLY those who have TX as a MARKET or who have TX as their home state have been pre-selected).
If you are certain that you fit, and you do not see the event open to you, please update these options first:
1. Make sure you have TX listed as a MARKET (Location options)
2. Make sure you have your STATE checked off (Location options) I pre-selected TX, OK & Louisiana only!
3. Make sure you have checked off the age ranges that you can play. (Physical Information)
4. Make sure you have a PHOTO listed with your profile
Once you do all of these things, and you are still unable to find or see the Event online, EMAIL ME with subject "ADD to EVENT/ Justifying Able" and request to be added. Make sure you include the NAME that your profile is under & the role of interest
so that I can find you quickly. I will email you back once you have been added.
By ensuring these options are checked and completed, you make it easier to not miss out on future castings!