CASTING: The Y [Ohio]
Katz Kasting Casting Notice:
Project Name; The Y Director: Paul Munger Producer/Writer: Dr Patrick Johnston Casting Director: Katrina Cook Katz Kasting
Project Type: Feature Film Genre: Pro-life, Pro-Second Amendment Faith Based Action Film (like "Divergent") Union Status: SAG ULB (pending)
ABOUT THE FILM: SYNOPSIS: The crash of the dollar precipitates widespread rioting and social unrest throughout the nation, leaving a lovesick 18-year-old girl struggling to care for her siblings in a stretch of woods bordered by lawless anarchy, wondering why a good God would let this happen.
In this action-packed adventure, we will:
Defend the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms,
Encourage the safe use of firearms, and teaching their use to youth,
Encourage preparedness for potential crises that may be soon coming to our nation,
*** UPDATED!!! *** Travel + Lodging Provided (if needed)
PAY: $125 per day. (SAG Scale)
TRAVEL: One (1) RT Coach Airfare Provided, if needed. (Zanesville, Ohio) LODGING: Provided (if needed), all cast & crew will stay in same location.
Film Dates: Oct 4-27, 2016 (4 week shoot) Shoot Location: Zanesville, Ohio (near Columbus)
Union & Non-Union Actors may apply. Video Auditions for first round of Casting.
NOTE: (x days) are for your reference only, and are based on preliminary schedules. These are non-consecutive & not guaranteed. Included to give you an idea of the commitment involved with each role. Days could increase or decrease between now and principal photography.
Need professional actors to portray the following roles:
CHARACTER BREAKDOWN: SOPHIA ("Sophie") - (Lead) Female, 18-21, Caucasian. (20 days). Brown, Blonde or dark blonde hair. Natural hair color. Athletic. Engaged to Adam. Oldest of the 5 siblings. Home-schooled. Struggles with hoplophobia. Comfortable with weapons. Knows how to hold a gun (Glock). Very active role. Will do own stunts. Devoted christian who does not waver in her faith. Sweet, innocent, pure. Country girl who is against guns/fighting/killing. Loves the outdoors/ being in the woods. Must be comfortable with guns. JIMMY - Male, 16-18, Caucasian, Brown, Blonde or dark blonde hair. Natural hair color. (19 days). Comic relief. Sophie's brother. Outdoors-man, Individualist, Sarcastic, Anger Issues, expert with guns, painful past haunts him, Home-schooled. Still searching for meaning and happiness with his life. Plays the guitar for fun. Knows how to hold & load a rifle, gun, AR-15. Plays "guns & bombs" humorously on the guitar. Very active role, will do own stunts. Wavering in his faith. Loves the outdoors/ being in the woods. Must be comfortable with guns, and can play the guitar (at least the 1 song listed).
ANNA-LEE - Female, 15-17, Caucasian (16 days) Brown, Blonde or dark blonde hair, natural hair color. Sophie's sister. Avid reader, very skilled musically, and constantly singing, peace maker. Home-schooled. Knows how to hold a bow, rifle and handgun. Very active role, will do own stunts. Outdoorsy. Loves the outdoors/ being in the woods. Must be comfortable with guns & enjoy singing.
ADAM BRANSON - Male, 20-25 (13 days), Caucasian, dark hair. Muscular, athletic. engaged to Sophie, loyal , brave, feels he must prove himself worthy of her love. Home-schooled. Knows how to hold & load a rifle. Skilled in hand to hand combat. Fight scene. Power kicks. Must be comfortable with guns & stunts.
THIEF - Male, 35-55 (13 days), Caucasian, bearded, middle aged, terrorizes and loots during the riots, aka "Jack" emotionally volatile. Must be comfortable around & know how to use guns.
COWBOY - Male, 30-40, (8 days) Any ethnicity, Tall with goatee, hard headed, malicious, Villain, wearing dirty cowboy hat. Dips tobacco. Must be comfortable with guns.
ELI - Male, 10-12 years to play 11, Caucasian. Brown, Blonde or dark blonde hair. (16 days). Sophie's brother. Playful and wisecracking, looks up to older brother. Fiercely loyal. Home-schooled. Active role. Loves the outdoors/ being in the woods.
** ADDED ROLE ** LIZ - Female, 40-45, Caucasian Female, Blonde hair, Multi-tasking, Capable, Protective. Mother of 6 Siblings. Home-schools her children. Lives on a farm. Southern woman. Must know how to handle weapons (guns).
Day-player Roles: (4 days or less) ROBBY - (4 days) Male 18-20, Caucasian, muscular, friend to Jimmy, natural born leader, knows how to handle pistol/rifles. Choreographed fight scene. Not as experienced as the Fighter. Must be comfortable with guns/stunts. JESSE - (4 days) Male, 30-40, Caucasian, wears a greasy John Deere hat, talks with a hillbilly accent, and carries a large silver pistol. Role requires wearing teeth stain (rotten teeth). Must be comfortable around guns. FEMALE NEWSCASTER - (2 days) Female , 30-40, any ethnicity, confident, attractive, mainly VO, small on-screen appearance. LITTLE JIMMY - (2 days) Male , 6 yr old TWIN to Becca, Caucasian, brown/blonde hair. Can cry tears on cue. Curious. CHRIS - (1 day) Male 15-19 ,Caucasian, young, thin, red headed boy, carries a machete. Amiable, follower. Must be comfortable with weapons. MAC - Male, 35-55, (2 days/U5) Caucasian, Thief's taller and bigger brother. Redneck with a beer belly. Must be comfortable with guns and stunts. GANGSTER - (2 days/U5) Male, African american, sloppy dresser with bandanna around his head, opportunist, carries a rifle. Must be comfortable with guns. STORE MANAGER - (1 day) Male, 50-60, Any ethnicity, Manager of Gun Store. Professional. Polished. Clean cut. BIG CRIMINAL - (1 day) Male, 30-35 , any ethnicity, Villain, bald, hulk, menacing, overpowering, strong, threatening, stunts. Skilled with a knife. Must be comfortable with guns and stunts.
JOEY - Male, 2-5 years old. Caucasian. Brown, blonde or dark blonde hair. Has scenes in woods and around guns. (few lines)
Under 5: (1 day) BECCA - Female, 6yr old twin to Jimmy, Caucasian. Brown/Dark Blonde. Gives herself a haircut. Curious. Simple beauty. YOUNG SOPHIA - Female, 8-10, Caucasian, brown/blonde hair. GUN STORE EMPLOYEE - Male, 30s-50s, any ethnicity, clean cut, built. PREACHER - Male, 35-60s, African American, cheerful, bright eyed.
One Line: (1 day) CASHIER - Male or Female, any ethnicity, Employee in Gun Store, slow & steady. MMA FIGHTER - Male, 30-45 yrs, any ethnicity, Martial artist. Aggressive, nimble, muscle guy with a karate tattoo on his upper arm. Choreographed fight scene. Must know how to do Martial Arts. SKINNY LONER- Male, 25-45 yrs, any ethnicity, hunter, non-confrontational, reserved, tall and skinny.
To submit:
(Agents must submit via Breakdowns) - not yet released on Breakdowns.
To Self Submit: 1. Go to 2. Click LOGIN or New Talent 3. Click EVENTS 4. Locate the Event "Casting: The Y [Ohio}" and change your status to CONFIRM 5. If you are selected to move forward in the Casting process you will receive a specific Audition invite that will include the Sides/Scenes for the Video Audition, along with detailed instructions. 6. You must upload the Video Audition to the Audition Invite (details sent to those who are selected). 7. If you are not selected to move forward, you will not receive an audition invite. Do not follow up, email me, or call me.
Thanks! Katrina Cook Casting Director