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AUDITIONS: CIY "Jordan's Story" [Miami, OK]

PROJECT NAME: Jordan's Story PRODUCTION COMPANY: Christ in Youth Productions (CIY) FILM TYPE: Documentary CASTING DIRECTOR: Katrina Cook, KatzKasting DIRECTOR: MD Neely NOTE: Do NOT contact the Director or CIY organization or any other Production member by phone or email.

NOTE: READ this entire notice BEFORE emailing me. Emails with questions that are already answered, or submissions that are not done the requested way, will be deleted.

THEME: The boldness to follow your dreams, and the faithfulness God shows us in helping those dreams be realized in ways we never would have imagined.

This is a documentary piece on a young woman’s journey of faith. Casting is for reenactments of her story.

Talent must be able to portray the people in these photos:

USAGE: President’s Weekend, Nov. 10-13, 2016 and April 2017.

PAY: Paid $250/day (includes 20% agency fee)

LOCATION: Miami, OK (or nearby location)

Shooting dates: Week of September 26th. 2 to 3 shooting days, 12 hour days, 1 rehearsal day which would be paid as a half day, also the evening of rehearsal day will be a cast and crew dinner (provided by CIY). Exact dates TBD.

TRAVEL: Up to $500/per person for travel for leads that do not live locally. Students unable to travel by themselves who must be accompanied by an adult receive $500 max TOTAL. CIY will work with talent to book flights and rental car if needed. Talent will fly into Joplin/Tulsa (?). TBD.

HOTEL: Included (booked by CIY)

NOT INCLUDED: Dinner, or any other meals outside the filming day.

PER DIEM: We will pay $20 per diem (total) for cast members.

Previous Projects we have Cast for CIY: Believe Promo 2015: The Presence: Jenna


You must have the ability to do a QUICK TURNAROUND Video Auditions! If you can't do a video, please do not submit!

Videos must be received no later than July 28 @ 6pm CT to be considered. Professional or self-tape videos accepted. All videos must be uploaded to either the KatzKasting database (Video Audition Request Page) or by your agent to Breakdowns.

Looking for professional actors to portray the following roles who look similar to the real people (photos in the link above):

Cast Breakdown:

  • Young Jordan – Young girl 5-8 years old, dark complexion, olive skin, dark hair, dark eyes, 2 days shooting ($250/day) speaking role. Needs to have some sass, but in an innocent way not a demeaning or spiteful way. Must Learn and sing part of George Straight - The Fireman. Must resemble photo that is included.

  • Teenage Jordan – HS Student 13-17 years old, dark complexion, olive skin, dark hair, dark eyes, 1 days shooting ($250/day) speaking role. Role requires crying. Must resemble photo that is included.

  • Papa Ellis – Older man 50-60 years old, Caucasian, light/white hair, 2 days shooting ($250/day) speaking role. Must Learn and sing part of George Straight - The Fireman. Picture included.

To submit: 1. Go to 2. Click LOGIN or New Talent 3. Click EVENTS 4. Locate the Event "CIY: Jordan's Story" and change your status to CONFIRM 5. Do your video audition & return by the posted deadline to be seen with Round 1!

You may share this casting with those who would fit the role requirements!

Thanks! Katrina Cook Casting Director


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