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CASTING: Untitled Christian Film/ NY [Paid$ + Travel]

FILM TITLE: Untitled Christian Film CATEGORY: Feature Films UNION STATUS: Non-Union ONLY. Union actors should not apply.


Production Company: CU Company Casting Director: Katrina Cook, Katz Kasting

Theme: Christian film about college life


CHARACTER BREAKDOWN: ALL ACTORS AGE RANGE: 18-26 years old (or must have graduated from High School by the time of Production)

ANNA: Main character; Female, 18 years old, Italian-American; Caucasian or hispanic/latino; a freshman in college; an Italian-American girl-next-door type; from the east coast; a natural leader; comes from a tough background; very intelligent, and a deep thinker; Shooting Duration: 12 weeks

SARAH: Female, 18 years old, Caucasian; a freshman in college; very motherly and girly; comes from a big family where she is the eldest sibling; loves to make crafts and be creative; more on the quiet side, but full of wisdom; Shooting Duration: 12 weeks

TIM: Male, 18 years old, Caucasian; a freshman in college; an all-American boy, the pastor's kid; a seminary student who wants to become a pastor; very respectful and well-mannered; often the leader of the pack; Shooting Duration: 12 weeks

MARIO: Male, 18 years old, Italian-American; any ethnicity, a sophomore in college; Italian-American; a culinary student who likes to work out; (actor should have a muscular build); works at a cafe and takes his job as a chef very seriously; likes to help/serve others; Shooting Duration: 12 Weeks

PRE: Male, 18 years old, Caucasian; a freshman in college; a computer/tech guy; awkward and goofy type of character; talks very fast and hyper at times, but is sensitive and intelligent; Shooting Duration: 12 weeks

LORRAINE: Female, 18 years old, Caucasian a freshman in college; blonde; comes from an upper middle class family; has a very upbeat personality but tends to be a little full of herself; thinks everyone in the world is just like where she came from; Shooting Duration: 6 weeks

WALT: Male, 18 years old, Caucasian the long-term boyfriend of Sarah; good with his hands; very dependable and loyal; an all- American type of guy; Shooting Duration: 2 weeks


Start date of Production: June 4, 2018; Duration: 12 weeks; (entire summer) Location: Long Island, NY (aka the suburbs) Compensation: $$PAID$$ Pay is well above Standard SAG ULB Daily Rate / Minimum Wage for NY with bonuses for each specific character. Transportation: Provided; Flights or Mileage provided to those who live outside of Long Island. Housing: Provided; Housing in a nearby hotel with other cast members if the talent is from out of state or not from Long Island. No per diems. Meals provided on set.


Submissions: By email only! Note: Talent will be hand picked by Director to send in a video. Not everyone who submits will be asked to send in a video. Do not follow up, do not ask to do a video without sending the required info below.

Required Info:

  1. Send Email to: KATZ@KATZKASTING.COM

  2. Subject of Email: NY Christian Film

  3. Include: Headshot, Resume, Demo Reel links and a

  4. 2 paragraph ACTOR CONNECTION including the following:

  5. Why are you interested in acting in a Christian film?

  6. Which role do you most identify with? Why?

  7. Tell about yourself, your hobbies & intersts.

Don't forget to check your emails! Thanks! Katrina Cook Casting Director

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