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Casting: TV Series: Narrow Road (ep# 1.05) HOUSTON, TX


Project Name; Narrow Road Production Company: Red State Entertainment Producer: Randal Reeder, David A.R. White and Anna Zielinski Director: Loren Gilley

Casting Director: Katrina Cook Katz Kasting


Project Type: Scripted TV Series - Pilot. Genre: Kung Fu Action Drama Highway to Heaven meets Equalizer.

Synopsis: Combat vet, Simon, rides his motorcycle across the country helping those that God puts in his path. Working odd jobs and searching for the owner of a mysterious bag that he never lets out of his site.

Starring: Randal Reeder as "Simon"


Paid: $125 per day.

Union Status: SAG New Media

Days Needed: 1- 4 days This episode films: Nov 26-29 2018 Shoot Location: HOUSTON, TX (& vicinity)


Contract: Local Hire.No expenses paid. Travel: Not included. Lodging: Not included. Meals/Snacks: Included on set


Episode 1.05 DEEP WATER

While working temporarily at a small fishing charter service the captain and Simon run up on a stalled boat that ends up being owned by drug smugglers. The situation quickly goes violent and the captain is quickly thanking God that his new "guardian not so angel" is there to protect him.


Ep. #1.05 Character Breakdown:

[BRET]40 to 50 years old, Caucasian male. Wimpy, scrawny, timid, sensitive, frugal, drives a tiny car. Attractive business man type. No muscles. Scared of Simon. Comedic timing a must. Does not like fishing at all. Married to a lady that loves fishing, so he reluctantly agrees to join her on a fishing charter trip. 2-3 days.

[LEO]55 to 65 years old, male. Veteran. Owner of the fishing Charter Boat. Loves fishing. Fought in Vietnam. Married the love of his life. Worked an office job for 40 years. After his wife died he bought this boat, quit his job and fished every day since. 3-4 days.

[CARL]20 to 35 years old, male. Sidekick to the local drug smuggler. Not too smart. Under 5 lines but is on the boat with Ray during half the show.2 days.


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