Casting: TV Series: Narrow Road (ep# 1.06) HOUSTON, TX
Katz Kasting Casting Notice: CASTING: TV SERIES: NARROW ROAD / Pure Flix
Project Name; Narrow Road Production Company: Red State Entertainment Producer: Randal Reeder, David A.R. White and Anna Zielinski Director: Loren Gilley
Casting Director: Katrina Cook Katz Kasting
Project Type: Scripted TV Series - Pilot. Genre: Kung Fu Action Drama Highway to Heaven meets Equalizer.
Synopsis: Combat vet, Simon, rides his motorcycle across the country helping those that God puts in his path. Working odd jobs and searching for the owner of a mysterious bag that he never lets out of his site.
Starring: Randal Reeder as "Simon"
Paid: $125 per day.
Union Status: SAG New Media
Days Needed: 1- 3 days This episode films: Nov 19-21 2018 Shoot Location: HOUSTON, TX (& vicinity)
Contract: Local Hire.No expenses paid. Travel: Not included. Lodging: Not included. Meals/Snacks: Included on set
Simon stops to help a kooky old lady broken down on the side of the road. But after finding only a loose battery connection, she demands she thank him with super, at gun point. No choice but to leave his motorcycle on the side of the road, Simon goes home with her. At dinner he learns his captor is a widow whose children don’t come home anymore, despite their mother’s needs. Everything on the property needs maintenance, so Simon sets to fixing, plumbing, electrical, an old tractor. Even with ample opportunity to escape, Simon’s conscious stops him. Maybe he’s found something worth staying in one place for.
Ep. #1.06 Character Breakdown:
[DOROTHY] GUEST STAR. Female, 65-80, Black/African American (prefered) female. Will consider other options that fit the age range. Will hold a revolver and shoot into the bushes. Comedic timing a must! Strong-willed old lady that lives alone and is feeling lonely because her children never have time to come visit her. She takes Simon "hostage" and makes him come have dinner with her.
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