Casting: TV Series: Narrow Road (ep# 1.07 & 1.08) HOUSTON, TX
Katz Kasting Casting Notice: CASTING: TV SERIES: NARROW ROAD / Pure Flix
Project Name; Narrow Road Production Company: Red State Entertainment Producer: Randal Reeder, David A.R. White and Anna Zielinski Director: Loren Gilley
Casting Director: Katrina Cook Katz Kasting
Project Type: Scripted TV Series - Pilot. Genre: Kung Fu Action Drama Highway to Heaven meets Equalizer.
Synopsis: Combat vet, Simon, rides his motorcycle across the country helping those that God puts in his path. Working odd jobs and searching for the owner of a mysterious bag that he never lets out of his site.
Starring: Randal Reeder as "Simon"
Paid: $125 per day.
Union Status: SAG New Media
Days Needed: 1- 9 days This episode films: Nov 30-Dec 11 2018 Shoot Location: HOUSTON, TX (& vicinity)
Contract: Local Hire.No expenses paid. Travel: Not included. Lodging: Not included. Meals/Snacks: Included on set
Episode 1.07 BROTHER'S KEEPER - PART 1
7 Brother's Keeper 1:
While working at a motorcycle shop owned by a local outlaw motor cycle club in order to fix his own bike. While there, Simon befriends a fellow combat vet that is being forced to fight in an illegal pit fighting circuit and then becomes tangled in a criminal underground once again in his life. Simon knows that God's bigger plan here is to help the veteran but with the shop owner/president of the outlaw MC, now blackmailing Simon to fight as well it is unclear whether Simon will escape the situation.
Episode 1.08 BROTHER'S KEEPER - PART 2
8 Brother's Keeper 2:
Now making things even more dangerous, an out of town champion who comes into town for the big fight is accompanied by Simon's old club members that he is on the run from. With Simon's past coming back to haunt him with a vengeance, the task of helping his veteran friend get out of town alive and now trying to get his bike back from the shop owner/fight promoter/outlaw so he can escape harm's way, this season finale' is a real nail-biter.
Ep. #1.07 & 1.08 Character Breakdown:
LEE - GUEST STAR. Recurring 2 episodes. Male, Late 20’s-mid 40s , muscular, built like a fighter, boxer, ex military, combat vet that is being forced to fight in an illegal pit fighting circuit and then becomes entangled in a criminal underground. Scenes fighting in a boxing ring. Must have some boxing experience and be able to have proper form and throw an authentic punch.
CARVER - Recurring 2 episodes. Male, 50s, bike repair shop owner/fight promoter/outlaw, runs an illegal pit fighting circuit in the back of his shop. Heavily involved in the criminal underground.
JAG - Recurring 2 episodes Male, 40s, Tattooed up biker, involved in illegal pit fighting and the criminal underground. He calls the fights.
DUSTER - Recurring 2 episodes Male, late 20-30s, motorcycle mechanic, good mechanic but doesn’t have a lot of common sense, off-beat sense of humor, he is the only one who thinks he is funny.
OPAL - Recurring 2 episodes, Female, 50s-60s, Lee’s mom who is very sick and frail. In a wheelchair, speaks her mind, grouchy old lady.
WOMAN - Female, 20s, young wife of Mike, a battered & bruised woman who feels stuck, can’t defend herself.
MIKE BRIGHTON - Male, 20s, store clerk at a gas station, abuses his wife, wimpy, can’t protect himself
CUSTOMER #1 & 2 (Stunts) - Male, 20s-30s, Robs the gas station , gets in a fight with Simon.
NURSE - Female, 30s, Home health care nurse, (1 day)
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