CASTING: Rodeo/Barrel Racing Family Film "Charlie's Horse"
Project Name; Charlie's Horse Director: Brad Keller Casting Director: Katrina Cook Katz Kasting
Project Type: Feature Film Story Info: Family film, Teen Cast, Horse Movie, Horseback Riding, Rodeo, Barrel Racing, no bad language
Union Status: SAG-AFTRA Ultra Low Budget (UPA)
Paid: UPA Scale Film Dates: March 30, 2022 (2 weeks) Shoot Location: Dallas, Tx (area)
Must be Local Hire to Dallas, Texas. Travel: Not Included Lodging: Not Included Per Diems: N/A Meals/Snacks: Included on set for work days Consecutive work dates are not guaranteed and requests can not be accomodated.
CAST REQUIREMENTS: Horseback Riding, Barrel Racing, Cutting experience required for several roles. Performance videos need to be submitted with your audition request. See below. First round auditions will be done by Video Submissions. Callbacks will be IN PERSON with the Director & Producers in Dallas, TX at a TBA date.
Character Breakdown:
CHARLIE MITCHELL (55 scenes) Lead, Female, Caucasian, to play 14. Charlie isn’t one of the cool kids. With her hair pulled back into a pony tail, vintage Rolling Stones T-shirt, and Converse tennis shoes, she’s clearly not someone who follows the pack. Or watches the Kardashians. Parents recently divorced, not taking it well, feels hurt and angry. Has a bad attitude. Needs to be able to shed a tear on cue. Transfered to a new school middle of the year because of her parent's divorce, doesn't have many friends, but dreams of owning a horse.
Cast Requirements/Allergy Notice: Western Horseback Riding, Must be proficient in Barrel Racing and riding a horse. Will also be around a large breed dog, playing with, hugging, touching, & riding in the car with it. Will be "working" in a barn, around hay and dirt.
REQUIRED: Submit a video of you barrel racing for competition or practice. Include any awards or achievements you have received for horseback riding/rodeo.
ZACH TUCKER (13 scenes) Supporting, Male, Caucasian, to play 15, cute boy, photographer for the school yearbook, Madison tries to get his attention, but he is intrigued by Charlie. Will be riding a horse on camera and competing in the rodeo.
Cast Requirements: Western Horseback Riding, Must be proficient in Cutting & Calf Roping. Will be "working" in a barn, around hay and dirt.
REQUIRED: Submit a video of you cutting &/or calf roping for competition or practice. Include any awards or achievements you have received for horseback riding/rodeo.
MADISON FARNSWORTH (5 scenes) Supporting, Female, Caucasian, to play 14, highlighted hair and perfect outfit. She is a mini Queen Bee with her closest friends and frenimies seated around her. She enjoys seeing Charlie humiliated. Parents are super rich but hardly spend any time with her but puts lots of pressure on her for sports, grades, and especially barrel racing. She doesn't get to ride for fun, it's all about winning for her parents. She is interested in Zach, but when she figures out he likes Charlie, this fuels her rivalry with Charlie.
Cast Requirements: Western Horseback Riding, Must be proficient in Barrel Racing and riding a horse.
REQUIRED: Submit a video of you barrel racing for competition or practice. Include any awards or achievements you have received for horseback riding/rodeo.
MIKEY (9 scenes) Supporting, Male, Caucasian, to play 11, small for his age. Charlie's little brother. Can't go anywhere without his video games & headphones. Loves bacon, shoves his mouth full of it. Must be good around dogs & horses. Plays kickball at a party.
Cast Requirement: Basic skills - horseback riding, must be comfortable around horses and able to mount/dismount and ride by yourself being "trained" by Charlie. Will also be around a large breed dog, playing with, hugging, touching, & riding in the car with it. Will be "working" in a barn, around hay and dirt. Familiar with playing kickball for fun in a backyard.
MR. WHITMAN (4 scenes) Male, any ethnicity, to play 50s, Algebra Teacher, balding with comb-over, short sleeve shirt & clip on tie. Not trying to impress anyone. Been around the job long enough to be burned out and eager to make an example of someone.
ANNOUNCER (3 scenes) Male, any ethnicity, 40-70s, Announcer at the Rodeo. Typical announcer voice.
PRINCIPAL GOODWIN (3 scenes) Female, any ethnicity, to play 50s, Her stern expression makes clear that she is a force to be reckoned with.
RAY BUCHANAN (1 scene) Male, Caucasian, 60s, wealthy rancher, Buchanan’s black Stetson and unscuffed boots lend him the smarmy look of a wealthy man who doesn’t get his own hands dirty. Not a trace of humanity.
BUDDY (1 scene) Male, any ethnicity, to play 15, Zach's friend in Algebra class. No special skills required.
EMMETT JOHNSON (1 scene) Male, any ethnicity, 80's, owner & cashier at the small town old feed store that's been there forever
DEPUTY MAC (1 scene) Male, any ethnicity, 20s, rookie deputy at Sheriff's department.
MAN (1 scene) Male, any ethnicity, 40s, ranch hand, has been around rodeos his whole life, has a rough weathered look to him, works for Ray Buchanan, does his dirty work.
STUDENT (1 scene) Male or Female, any ethnicity, to play 14/15, 1 line, in class with Zach & Charlie.
To submit ONLINE:
Go to Click LOGIN or Join Database (Create a profile) Click EVENTS (Tab) CLICK OPEN EVENTS
Locate the Event (CASTING - Charlie's Horse) and change your status to YES (and Submit) to confirm your interest in this project. DECLINE any role that you are not available so I can remove you from this casting!
To submit Via EMAIL: (For Rodeo/Barrel Racing roles only)
Subject: Barrel Racing Movie
Include: Your name, age, phone # and a close up photo, photo of you with your horse, and at least 1 clip of you competing in barrel racing (girls) or calf roping/cutting (boys)
Check your emails! I will respond within 24 hours with a request for a video audition.
PLEASE NO TEXTS OR PHONE CALLS. Follow directions to submit immediately!
