Casting: “The Carpenter” Biblical Series Proof of Concept, Texas
Casting Director: Katrina Cook
Katz Kasting
Production Company: Family Theater Productions, LLC.
(Los Angeles based production company)
Project Name: “The Carpenter”
Project Type: Proof of Concept for series
Genre: Biblical drama
Short Synopsis: In response to a mysterious dream, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus return to Galilee after having been gone for several years living as refugees in Egypt. As Joseph seeks stability for his wife and child, he soon discovers that his widowed mother has fallen on hard times, now in debt to a tax collector who seems strangely familiar… and bent on ruining his family. Joseph quickly takes full responsibility for the payments and hustles to find work by Passover, or they will lose their home. Failed attempts to find employment brings Joseph to his knees where he must dig deep and use his unique skills as a carpenter to save his family from destitution. An unexpected theft and a shocking confession give Joseph a new understanding of his life and mission in Nazareth.
Distribution/Usage: Proof of Concept
Producer: Megan Harrington
Filming Dates: July 10-15, 2023
Filming Location: Capernaum Studios, Poolville, Texas (Weatherford area/West of Ft Worth)
Union Status: Non-Union
(Modified) Local Hire: Travel expenses are not paid, but shared housing is available on location if needed, upon request. (Hilltop House on the property, walking distance to set)
Pay Breakdown: (Based on Role)
Lead Roles: $260+15% Agency Fee = $300/day
Supporting Roles: $187 + 15% Agency Fee = $216/day
Character Breakdown:
Lead Roles: $260+15% Agency Fee = $300/day
Joseph: (LEAD) Male, 30s. MENA/ethnically ambiguous (Middle East and North Africa) Rugged and strong - a man of integrity. The husband of Mary and the earthly father of Jesus Christ. He is a waymaker, heavily principled, courageous and an ardent protector of his family. A skilled carpenter and just man, he must overcome not only the trials of Roman occupation and taxation to provide for his family, but also his tendency of self-doubt. (estimated 4-5 days)
Mary: (LEAD) Female, 20s. MENA/ethnically ambiguous (Middle East and North Africa). Sublime and striking. God’s chosen mother of Jesus Christ and the warm-hearted wife of Joseph. Thoughtful and resourceful, she radiates goodness and truth, while carrying heavy burdens in her heart. With her own manner of feminine genius, she empowers and champions her husband with humor and respect. No one understands Joseph and Jesus like she does.(estimated 4-5 days)
Jesus: (LEAD) Male (Minor/Child), Age 6-9. MENA/ethnically ambiguous (Middle East and North Africa). Captivating eyes and inquisitive. The fun loving, energetic child of Mary and Joseph. An “old soul,” yet playful and witty. An innate peacemaker, his gentle way lends itself to the mystical sense that his life holds a greater purpose to mankind. When it comes to God and human nature, alike, he is a quick study.(estimated 4-5 days) Minor child will need Texas work permit & Coogan account to be cast.
Huldah. (LEAD) Female, 50s. MENA/ethnically ambiguous (Middle East and North Africa). Joseph’s widowed mother, recently destitute from crushing taxation, but still strong in body and spirit. She is extremely proud of her son, and possesses not only a wonderful heart for storytelling, but also joyful gratitude for her family’s return from Egypt.(estimated 3-4 days)
Tavas: (LEAD) Male, 30s. MENA/ethnically ambiguous (Middle East and North Africa). A tax collector and a regular antagonist of Joseph. A survivor of the aftermath of King Herod’s slaughter of children, this stone-hearted and sarcastic widower is what remains of a once protective and tender husband and father. (estimated 1-2 days)
SUPPORTING ROLES: $187 + 15% Agency Fee = $216/day
Benjamin: (SUPPORTING) Male, 30s. MENA/ethnically ambiguous, (Middle East and North Africa). A builder and family man who has fallen on hard times. Reduced to begging because he can’t find work, he somehow still maintains his dignity. When an unexpected encounter with Joseph changes the course of his life, he finds a surprising way to return the blessing. (estimated 3-4 days)
Herod: (SUPPORTING) Male, Late 60s. MENA/ethnically ambiguous (Middle East and North Africa). The ruthless ruler and infamous instigator of a slaughter of children in Judea. On death's door, “King Herod the Great” feverishly suffers, desperately grasping at his last chance to prove his authority over his son whom he despises. (1 day)
Archelaus: (SUPPORTING) Male, Late 20s. MENA/ethnically ambiguous (Middle East and North Africa). The ambitious and cut-throat son of Herod who eagerly witnesses the death of his father in anticipation of becoming the new king. This young ruler will soon wreak havoc on all of Judea. (1 day)
Merchant: (SUPPORTING) Male, 50s. MENA/ethnically ambiguous (Middle East and North Africa). A quick-talking buyer and seller of exotic goods. He has an eye for unique craftsmanship and a propensity for humor. (1 day)
Foreman/Recruiter: (SUPPORTING) Male, 40s. MENA/ethnically ambiguous (Middle East and North Africa). Brawny taskmaster with an eye for the bottom line. Efficient. (1 day)
To submit to this casting: * No phone calls or text messages! Submit online only! *
Casting Networks
Actors Access/ Breakdown Services
Self-Submission: (Limit of 1 submission per person please)
KatzKasting database ( >Login > Events > Open > Find this one > CONFIRM STATUS
Casting Networks Online Submission
Actors Access
Only if you are unable to submit online, do not send duplicate submissions, EMAIL photo & info to KATZ@KATZKASTING.COM with subject “Carpenter/ (Role) ”
Audition Process: (By Request Only)
If selected, you will need to return a fast turnaround video audition with the provided sides/scenes.
Casting ASAP
Thank you!
Katrina Cook
Casting Director
Katz Kasting
